
Many folks suffer from Depression. Especially now with all the social distancing. Get them help!

We hear the word depression a lot.  Just saying the word can make you feel down, low, gloomy, hopeless.  Most people are able to say the word and feel or get a visual of what depression looks like.  STOP!!!  That is not even close, for those who deal with it daily.  It is described as a black cloud hanging over one’s head.  The motivation to get up and do something, is just not there.  Sleeping 12-18 hours a day.  Not being able to get to sleep, laying in bed for hours.  They say “my mind will not shut off”.  A sense of doom, always waiting for the other shoe to drop.  A heaviness on them.  So many ways that it is described. 

depression, voices, self-criticism

According to DSM 5 : Depression is diagnosed when an individual experiences five or more symptoms during the same 2-week period and one should either be a depressed mood and or loss of interest or pleasure.

*Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day.

*Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activates most of the day, nearly every day.

*Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain, or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day.

*A slowing down of thought and a reduction of physical movement (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down).

*Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.

*Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt nearly every day.

*Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day.

*Recurrent thoughts of death, recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide.

If you or someone you know has these symptoms, what are you to do?  There are numerous websites that you can take online quizzes that will give you a score.  My go to is   This site allows you to answer the questions on the PHQ9. It will give you a score. You can also make an appointment with your primary care provider.  They can talk with you, discussing symptoms and what if any treatment is needed.    I will discuss some general treatment options. 

Walking is a simple way to get in daily exercise. Try to be better today than yesterday.

Exercise: I know we all have an excuse to not exercise.  It is too hot, too cold, uphill both ways, I have kids… get the idea.  The cold hard facts are you have to make it a priority.  You do not have to have any equipment; you do not need to join a gym.  You need to get out of your chair and do something.  Heck if you can’t get out of your chair, you can still do some type of exercise.  Exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make us happier.  While you may still need to consider other treatment options, exercise can be added to any of them.  There is a program called silver sneakers, here is a blog post with 4 simple chair exercises. You can add others as you are able.

mental health, mental, health
Evidenced based therapies help you put the pieces back together.

Therapy: many folks with depression can do evidenced based therapy by a licensed therapist.  These therapies are normally a scheduled sequence of visits. You and the therapist discuss things you can do to help with symptoms.  You will normally have homework from these sessions.  Most folks who choose therapy do GREAT!  It is a commitment in your health.  These tools unlike medication work even after you are finished with the therapy protocol. You will learn many tools that you can look back on years from now.

jar, pills, medicine
Please do not take anyone else’s medications. Only take medications that are prescribed to you from your healthcare provider.

Medications: There are many medications that can help with depression.  Each class works in a different way.  Actually, each medication within a class can work a little differently.  Medications work well for about 33%, work somewhat about 33% and do not work for 33%.  There is always a chance of developing side effects when taking any medication.  Your primary care provider or mental health provider will discuss these with you.  Medications can be a life changing option for some people.

Depression is a real thing; it affects approximately 7% of American’s each year according to National Institute of Mental Health  With the highest percentage seen in ages 18-25 at 13.1 percent. 

Found on Nat’l Institute for Mental Health site above.

One of our biggest issues that happen for many people with depression is feeling they would be better off dead.  National suicide rates in the US in 2017 were 47173 individuals.  Suicide was the second leading cause of death ages 10 and 34 and the fourth among individuals between ages 35 and 54.  According to

If you or someone you know is needing help, call the national suicide hotline.


Depression is a serious mental health disease.  Many do not wish to be treated.  However, for those who seek treatment, can find what works best for them.  If you or someone you know, has symptoms of depression, please make an appointment with your primary care provider or mental health provider to discuss. Please do not try to deal with it on your own. 

If you have found things that work for you, or have a success story please comment below.  Share this post if you know someone it might help. 

This is not medical advice.  This is informational purposes only and does NOT constitute a visit with your health care provider. You need to make an appointment with your healthcare provider for treatment.

Reaching that Goal!

Lets talk goals and work on them.

How have you been doing reaching your goals? We started with standing during commercials. Then moved onto Standing during the TV show. To walking around the room. We have talked about many different things that you can do while in your home.

If you are still working on the previous post that is OK!! But if you are ready to move on, lets get going. The weather is getting nicer so let’s head outside. I know that during covid we are to stay home. So home it is, in your own yard. See that mailbox, walk to it(if it is in your yard and/or you can maintain social distancing walking to it). Walk it, two or three times a day if you can.

In case you prefer to stay indoors, or you are still going to work. I have looked for some links to chair exercises . While this says for seniors, anyone can start here and use them. I also found some chair exercises for your office. When you are feeling that mid day slump. Any movement, exercise can help you to gain strength and endurance. This is a blog post with great information about exercises you can do at your desk.

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All you short term goals = success to your long term goal. Keep working.

Goal setting is key to better health. The larger goal can be set at any time frame that’s obtainable for you. Then set smaller goals within that time frame.  This helps you see progress while you are working toward your larger goal. Celebrate small victories to keep you excited.  Think back three weeks ago, where were you, and where are you now. If you’ve set a goal and if you’re meeting your goals. You on your way!! Soon you will meet that larger goal!

shoes, legs, boys
Stand up for your health!

Challenge for this time is that you stand up for your goals.  Reach your small goals so that you can achieve your larger goal. The weather is nice, by all means go outside and do your walking if you can. Stand up for YOU!!

3 things to help you stay healthy both physically and mentally during the corona virus.

Keeping healthy both physically and mentally.

In the last few months, our lives have done a 180.  We have gone from moving about as we wish, to staying at home mandates.  What was just an issue in China, is now here on our land.  This is undoubtedly one of the hardest times we have seen.  What a response we have seen, with others helping others.

audience, crowd, event

 Over the next several weeks, we will continue to need to stay home as much as possible. We will have to only go to the grocery store, gas station, pharmacy and doctor offices.  During this time our normal social interactions will be greatly decreased. 

shopping, food, purchasing

Humans need social interactions, we depend on them to learn, love, and share.  We love our families. However, being with only them, can become very irritating over time.  Not being able to get out and do things can weigh on our mental health.  Even the strongest mentally healthy folks can have anxiety and depression symptoms in these times.

hands, teamwork, team-spirit

What can you do to help yourself during these times?

First, stay healthy.  Wash your hands with soap and water for at least twenty seconds.  Read my hand washing blog here.  Keep your family healthy by not getting out in public and possibly being exposed to the Corona virus. Simple things, like disinfecting your hard surfaces, cooking at home, keeping up on housework can all help you to stay healthy.

hands, soap, wash

Second, learn, read, work on a hobby, teach others by writing or making a video.  Find a reason to get up and do something every day.  If we allow ourselves to just lay around, and not have a reason to get up, we can start feeling depressed.  We can start having issues with anxiety.  We have to be proactive and keep doing our daily task.  Even though many are home working or laid off right now.   This is the time for ourselves. Remember all those things you have said “I will do that when I have time”?  This is the time!

school, books, apples

Third, DO NOT allow all of this to take over your world. The corona virus is scary. It is happening. It is very contagious.  We need to take it seriously.  However, do what you can to keep calm during this time.  If you need help, ask for it.  There are others who can help you.  If you are elderly, or you are immunodeficient allow others to help.  This virus is not discriminatory, it will take any host that it can find.

I challenge you to check in on others (via phone) if you are able to help them.  If you deliver needed items, drop them off at the door.  If you need something, please reach out to your local community center, family, school district, or church family to let them know what you need.  Please stay safe at home as much as possible.  If you do get sick, contact your primary care provider by phone first, and follow their recommendations.  While there are more testing sites available, talk with your primary care office first.

Magic Pill

We all want that quick fix, pop a pill in my mouth, and all my troubles go away. You get the idea. In America we are very automatic. We want quick gratification. We don’t want to have to put forth the effort to get skinny, healthy, smart, or the income that we want.

Let’s talk about the “magic pill”. We all want that quick fix, pop a pill in my mouth, and all my troubles go away. You get the idea. In America we are very automatic. We want quick gratification. We don’t want to have to put forth the effort to get skinny, healthy, smart, or have the income that we want.

Let’s talk about BMI. No one really wants to talk about their weight, including me. There are all kinds of scales and charts that tell us if you are this tall, you should weigh this much. And while it’s true we should be a decent weight; we should also be fit. If you watch TV no doubt, you will see one diet plan, after another diet plan, after a diet pill. In between all of those commercials you will find the commercials for all the local restaurants.

Food is a huge part of our world. We have to start looking at food for what it is. Food is fuel for our bodies. I, like most, indulge probably more than I should. Actually, I know i indulge more than I should. We tend to eat when we’re at social events, because we’re bored, because we’re studying, because we see someone eating. That is a habit that is hard to break. Therefore, it may be easier just to make better choices.

Even though some commercials say they have that magic pill (there’s not one). As with anything in life, we have to want it badly enough that we change our habits to make it happen. If you want your BMI to be with in normal limits, you have to decide that is what you want, and then exercise and eat in moderation. There’s no quick easy way.

My challenge to you is to work hard on whatever your goal. To put in the work and make that goal yours.  Your return will be a healthier you.  Sometimes it is a matter of accountability. Please feel free to comment with what you have accomplished each week.  Let others see your ideas and give you praise for your accomplishments.

Let’s get moving!! Week 4

If you are reading these weekly and setting you goals accordingly this is week 4.  Can you look back to week one and if so, are feeling accomplished? Were you able to set your larger goal did you meet my challenge in setting a larger obtainable goal and then smaller goals to get you to that point? We discussed that goal being 2 months we are now 4 weeks into starting your exercise program, how are you doing? I hope that each week as you come back to see this exercise information that you’re able to see improvement and your ability to do certain things in life.

 Let’s take a moment and look back week one we discussed standing up during commercials. Were you able to do that? Were you able to start standing up during 1 commercial or 2 or 3? If not it’s OK it’s OK if you’re still working on the ability to stand during the commercials, keep it up.   No one says that has to be only 1 week between each set of challenges.

The larger goal can be set at any time frame that’s obtainable for you. There smaller goals are set within that time frame so that you can see progress while you are working toward your larger goal. Celebrate small victories to keep you excited.  My challenge to you this week is to think back 3 weeks ago where were you and where are you now. If you’ve set a goal and if you’re meeting your goals. You on your way to meeting that larger goal!

So, assuming that you are doing the weekly challenges this is week 4.  In week one you started standing during the commercials.  Week two you started walking around the house.  Week 3 I gave you my story, hoping that you would continue to work on your previous weekly goals. 

Challenge for this week is that you stand between commercials.  Stand while watching your show and sit during commercials.  You can also walk in place or around the room that you are watching TV in.  This first month I have tried to take away all the possible excuses, in the house where weather is not an issue.  No equipment needed.  If the weather is nice, by all means go outside and do your walking if you can.

Let’s get moving!! Week 3

Over the last two weeks I have you all set goals to increase your exercise tolerance. Today I’m going to talk about mine. Over the years I have had up-and-downs, times that I did and did not exercise. I’ve stuck with things long enough to get where I wanted to get or close, and then would quit. Therefore, I would start gaining weight back feeling less strong. A year ago, I decided to do this class it was a fitness class it was called “jump start to fitness”. Then my husband was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma. We knew that surgery was the treatment and that he would need me after, so I put off my class until after his recovery.

We talked about excuses in one of my other post. This, was my excuse. After about a month my husband was doing great and I decided I had no more excuses, I needed to get started. The commitment for this class was 6 months 3 or 4 times a week. I jumped in both feet I went 3 times a week every week. No excuses I made sure that I attended class.  October came and we went on vacation, I was feeling pretty strong. Now I couldn’t lift a refrigerator by myself but I was a lot stronger than I had been in May, when I started. We went to Belize and went to Mayan ruins I was able to climb up to the top of the temple, I felt accomplished. When I returned from vacation the class had been canceled because of low attendance. To say the least I was frustrated, however shortly after that at work we started working out 30 minutes every morning prior to work. We continue that today. About 2 months ago a friend from work and I decided that we would start going to an early morning class at a workout centers near us, a cardio and weights class. We do that on Mondays and Wednesdays, and we walk on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  I feel like I’ve worked my way up in weights, with my continued efforts to get exercise.

 I know that we are all at different levels of the exercise that we can tolerate. For those who are reading this, who can’t lift weights or walk for a distance, start where you are, start something, start today make a goal to do it 2 times a week, 3 times a week whatever you can.  You can work your way up to a tolerance of doing more.    The more fit you are when something happens the easier it will be for you to deal. 

My challenge to you this week is to look at your goals that you sat, are they obtainable?  Are you reaching your short-term goals?  If you are GREAT, if not just make them something you feel you are able to obtain.

Let’s get moving!! Week 2

Week 1, we talked about chair exercises. So today I would like to talk about getting up and walking around the house a little bit. So just like we discussed with the chair exercises as you start off standing up during one commercial, then work your way up to where you’re standing up throughout the entire set of commercials.

Walking around the house is the same, starting off by walking back-and-forth from 1 Room to the next several times a day for nothing more than just getting in steps. At first you may only be able to do this once or twice a day extra but as time goes on you’ll be building endurance up and be able to walk from one room to the next to the next and be able to do that several times daily.

When you’re doing this, I don’t want this to be because you’re getting up and walking to the restroom or getting up and going to the kitchen to get a sandwich. I really want these to be extra times so maybe again we use the commercials on TV as you’re watching your favorite show when a commercial comes on, you get up and you walk to the next room and then walk back to your chair. Again, we have to remember that any exercise is better than sitting in the chair all day. As you do these things you set your goals. It’s good to have an overall (long term) goal which might be “I will be able to walk one block without rest “. Now this goal may seem unobtainable at this time. However, as you set your smaller goals in the house your larger goal will over time more attainable. 

My challenge to you with this post will be to set a larger goal. Make sure that this is a goal that is obtainable by you. This goal should be obtainable within months not years.  If you goal is to long it may be easier to give up on it. You have to set your goals in a manner that you know they are something that you can work toward. Because if you’re unable to work toward a goal it will be discouraging. So, set one large goal that is obtainable and then set smaller goals to reach that goal. An example might be by the end of 2 months I will be able to walk down my block and back to my house without rest. Your smaller goals would be week 1 I plan to stand during commercials. Week 2 I plan to walk from 1 room to the other during commercials. Continue your goals until you have reached, your larger goal.

Let’s get moving!!! Week 1

Exercise the 8-letter cussword. Every time we hear somebody say you need to exercise, it’s like a stone thrown right in the gut.   However, I would like to put a bright side on the word exercise. The next time you think about exercise I would like for it to be a more positive approach. Throw all the excuses of why I can’t exercise out the window. We’ve all seen the exercise videos where people are in great shape and their lifting weights, running 100-yard race, all things we are unable to do. However, did you realize that exercise doesn’t have to be all of that.  Did you know sitting in a chair watching TV you use approximately 90 calories for one hour. Now obviously you could eat that 90 calories fairly quickly in a cookie. However, we’re concentrating on what you’re doing and how that impacts the calories that you use.

While sitting in that chair let’s say you decide to stand up during commercials, not only now have you and burnt 90 calories from sitting in a chair, but now you use more calories.  You are using far more calories during the day. The other thing to look at is that by standing up you’re using different muscles therefore those muscles will get stronger and use more calories over time.  If the only thing you can do is to stand up during commercials even if it’s only one, your burning more calories than if you were sitting. You are strengthening you leg muscles, improving your balance. If that is you, then work on doing that, every time a commercial comes on get out of your chair and stand. The average commercial being 30 seconds you would stand there. A week from now you may be able to stand during the entire series of commercials which could be 3 to 4 minutes. It is the small steps that get you to the end goal.

During this time of you trying to improve your health by starting with that small step of standing up during commercials.  I challenge you to consider other things that you might be able to do while you’re sitting in the chair. For example, some years ago, a study was done where one group of folks were asked to close their eyes and to believe that they were lifting a fairly heavy dumbbell. They were asked to do a certain amount of reps and a certain amount of sets. The 2nd group was actually given dumbbells that were a little heavy for them and they were given the exact amount of reps and sets for a specific amount of time.  The end of the study showed that each group gained muscle strength, the group with the dumbbells gained a little more muscle strength. The point of this is sitting in a chair you could pretend to be lifting heavier dumbbells and start with 2 sets of 10 reps that would mean that you would do 2 sets of 10 times bringing your arms from a 90゚ up to your shoulder and them back down to the armrest not using anything but your mind to believe that you’re lifting something heavy. If you do this on a regular basis, we could say 3 times a week you will gain some muscle strength.

I challenge you to find something that you can do to improve your health through exercise small steps toward a healthier you.  Make a goal that you want to reach in say 2 months, then set smaller goals to reach each week.  It is easier to reach smaller goals and you will reach that larger goal before you realize.  I will be posting along the way to encourage your progress.