4 Fibs A Day, Is That The Naked Truth?

Book “it ends with us” by Colleen Hoover. I loved this book. It is about a man and women that meet, and both in a tough spot. They being strangers, alone on a roof top, share a couple “naked truths”. Okay that is all I will tell you about this. However, you can listen to the audiobook or read the paper copy.

What is the naked truth?  What is truth? Why do we lie? Don’t even think that you have never told a lie.  It may be a small lie or a big one. Maybe you did not want to tell the truth, because, you did not want to take the blame for something. If you told the truth, would it make you look bad? Would it cost you more? Money? Reputation? It is said that if you tell the truth, you do not get mixed up telling the story over and over again.

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Is the truth just a web of lies?

I wonder even with those who are on the stand and sworn to tell the truth.  Are they telling the truth?  Are they lying? Is the car sales person telling every thing he knows about the car? When you purchase something is the financer telling everything about the cost of the loan?

In the bible we are told to tell the truth, do not lie. Lying is a sin. Yet, everyone lies. Maybe is a simple lie like “sorry, I am washing my hair Saturday evening.” Or telling our children “you tell grandma how good dinner is, even if you don’t like it. We don’t want to hurt her feelings.” We do these without a blink of the eye.

Telling a lie is so easy, but telling the naked truth can be hard. What is the naked truth. It is telling a story that has NO LIES, not even one. Telling a story that you have never told. The story that you have to find the exact right person and time to tell. The naked truth.

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Who has the right keys for your naked truth?

A quick google search states that “average American’s tell 4 lies a day.” Most popular lies are “I am on my way” you are still at home. “My phone died” you just did not want to answer. AGE, all gender’s some want to be older, others younger. “I am fine” Fine I once heard stands for “feelings inside not expressed”. “I love my gift” when you really did not want it or like it. We lie thinking that we are saving the feelings of others.

I challenge you to be below the average and not tell those little white lies or those big ole lies. How do you know if someone is lying to you? Comment below.

How much is your time worth? $1, $5, $100

COVID, shot us forward to the virtual world. Today we do not have to leave our homes, take time off work, or leave school to have an appointment with most anyone. From healthcare to legal to school advisors most can be completed virtual. Therefore, saving you time, money from loss of work and travel expenses.

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Traditionally we would have gone to the office. Today we can have visits from home.

Have you ever taken a day off work, drove 10 minutes or 2 hours to get to an appointment? Checked in and waited your turn. Then finally, the appointment that last all of 30 minutes, and you are back on your way home. I am sure some people love the drive, take time to eat out or shop. Would you rather the appointment be during your lunch hour and/or change your lunch, so that it could at the appointment time? That is now an option for most places. You do not need to take the time off work or school.

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Getting up early to make it to that appointment that could be 1-2 hours away.

Lets talk virtual meetings. Have you ever been in a meeting and others around you are having their own conversations? You miss information they are presenting because of the distractions. Now, you can have your space and possibly headset with volume control. Everyone, that is not presenting is usually muted. Wow! You can actually hear the information. Also, most platforms allow you to video record these meetings. Which allows you to go back and watch.

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Not everyone pays attention the person speaking. When to many are in a room, more conversations happen.

Down sides to these great virtual meetings/appointments. Other’s not paying attention to what is going on. Maybe there are kids in the back ground or they are at a work site and not able to be “at” the appointment. They sign in but have so many distractions. I have heard of being in a store and have kids with them. Being near the pool with a cocktail in one hand. Smoking, being shirtless. You get the idea.

When you have an appt, no matter who it is with, make the effort to stop what you are doing.  Get ready for the appt.  Put on a shirt, pull over to the side of the road, get away from other distractions. Act as if you got up, drove to the appointment and are interested in being part of the discussion.

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Not appropriate for a meeting or health appointment.

Covid, shot us into the virtual world. We now embrace technology more. We can now hear what is going on in meetings/appointments. Save our paid time off from work. Spend less time traveling when virtual is an option. Enjoy the benefits. If virtual is not for you, take the time off, drive, wait and find a great lunch spot on the way home.

What have been your experiences with virtual appointments? Good? Bad? Have you given them a try? Comment below.