“Ok, go in here, put on the gown with the front open. When you are done come out and we will get started.” You may or may not have heard these words. If you have you know you are about to have a mammogram.

Mammograms in the beginning were general purpose x rays with no compression, in the 1960’s. We have progressed to now having digital mammograms. See Advances in Breast Imaging for a great history of mammography.
According to UpToDate, 2020, Breast cancer is the second most common cause of cancer death in women. This is why early detection is so important. I recently had a post on self breast exams. You should do your self breast exam once a month. Mammograms are the next thing to complete. It is a yearly exam that we have all heard the horror stories about. Being a women is hard work. But I would not have it any other way!

Mammograms are an x ray technique that allows the radiologist to see, if any areas look like they need further evaluation. They will compare your exam from year to year. If there is an area of concern they will do further testing. Normally that includes spot compression mammogram. This is looking at a specific area more closely. I had this call one time, and man was that enough. I went for my routine exam. The following day they called to say I needed another view. When I got there, they had me get into a gown. The technician looked and found the spot of concern on my mammogram. Marked my breast and took the x ray. She then sent the picture to the radiologist and he cleared me. I was one of the blessed ones.
It is best to get your mammogram at the same place each year. The radiologist can compare your exams easier. These comparisons could mean the difference between having to repeat an exam or not. My compression exam was the first time I had a mammogram at that hospital. They did not have any previous exams to compare. Had they had them, chances are I would not have needed the second images.
While there are reported cases of false positives, those are less with the advances in technology. Digital mammograms are the most recent which gives a clearer picture. When a spot is found the next step as mentioned about is compression views. Then the decision is made to move to either ultrasound or biopsy. Those topics are for another day.
When it is your turn to go into the room, put on that gown, open to the front. Know that all the hassle is worth it. Not only to save the tata’s but to save your life. Early detection is a key to treatment. I challenge you to share with a friend the information you have learned about the importance of self breast exams and mammograms. Share my post with them.