Do you snore? Does your spouse/significant other say that you stop breathing in the night? Do you not feel rested in the morning? Do you wake yourself snorting or gasping for air? If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider talking to your healthcare provider about a sleep study.

What is OSA? Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a condition where the back of the airway collapses when you sleep. Most people who do notice issues, feel it when lying on their backs. They do not tend to notice when lying on sides or stomach. When this happens, it makes it harder for you to breathe, so your subconscious, causes an arousal. Not enough for you to wake completely, just enough that you start breathing, again. When this happens several times a night, you can see why you don’t feel rested. You do not get enough restful sleep. Also, called REM sleep.
Who are at higher risk for OSA?
folks with neck size over 17inches
overweight individuals especially if large abdomen
Narrowed airway
Family history of OSA
Chronic nasal congestion
High Blood Pressure
and more…….
There is test that can be done to see if you have sleep apnea. Some providers will start with an overnight pulse ox. This is a machine that you wear on your finger while sleeping one night. This will monitor your oxygen levels in your blood while sleeping. If this shows that you most likely have some spells where you stop breathing in the night(by evidence of low oxygen in the blood), a formal sleep study may be ordered.
Sleep studies are often done one two separate appointments. Night one, to see if you stop breathing, in the night. If you do, how many times and how severe is your sleep apnea. The second night, to put you on a cpap and see what settings you need. There are many types of mask they will find what works best for you. Do not fright, if you do not like it later you can try another type of mask.
Things that you can do to help if you have symptoms:
Call your doctor to make an appointment to discuss your symptoms.
Try sleeping on your side or stomach
Avoid alcohol-it can make it worse
Lose weight if you are overweight

Untreated OSA, meaning that you have it and not using a CPAP can worsen health conditions such as high blood pressure, high blood sugars, cause heart arrhythmias, and so on. So, if you snore, if you spouse notices you stop breathing in the night, talk to your healthcare provider to see if you need further testing. This information is for your information only. It is not intended to be medical advise. If you have questions please contact your primary care provider.