Daddy, Dad, Father, Grandfather only a few of the name’s men acquire when they become dads. Today is Father’s Day. The day we buy the men in our lives a little something extra. Normally it is a cute gift the kids have made. Then as they age comes the coupon book of chores, the kids are willing to do for dad, over the next few weeks. As adults we tend to be a little more creative and get our father’s something, we feel they need. This is not always what they feel they need.

Father’s Day began in 1910 and to be celebrated on the third Sunday of June. Sonora Smart Dodd founded Father’s Day in America. According to Wikipedia in catholic Europe it dates back to 1508. A bill was introduced in congress in 1913 to recognize this day in the US. In 1916 President Wilson tried to get it recognized as a federal holiday, but congress resisted. There was fear it would be commercialized. There were several attempts, but a bill was not signed into law, until 1972, by president Nixon.
Proverbs 23:24 “the father of a righteous child has great joy; a man who fathers a wise son rejoices in him”

Every year on the 3rd Sunday of June we celebrate our Father’s. We celebrate in our own ways. We know that we are blessed to have father’s in our lives. These men help support our families. They teach us how to fish, hunt or build a camp fire. They mow the yard, fix the fence and some work inside the house too. Whatever you father does, whatever he teaches you, cherish those moments. Our father’s are here to teach, love and comfort us, often they are not here long. Even the ones who are here a hundred years or more we miss when they are gone.
Proverbs 23:22 “listen to your father, who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.”
Today, I hope you are celebrating your Daddy, Dad, Father. Today let them know that today is their day. Give them that tie, coupon book, or just a great big hug. If they are miles away, give them a call or text. They will cherish these moments.