Quit looking in the rear view mirror. Do you remember sitting at home when you were a child, seeing your favorite aunt or uncle or grandparents driving away. As they are going you think why couldn’t they stay, why are they leaving me, when am I going to see them again.

In life, we definitely tend to look in our rear view mirror. What if, we turn our thoughts around. Quit looking in the rear view mirror, start looking out the windshield. What is in our future? What control do we have in our future? Recently, when reading a book there was a quotation from the Social Security Administration …if you followed 100 people for 40 years until retirement That 1 of them would be wealthy at retirement, 4 of them would be secure with their retirement, 5 would be continuing to work because they have to NOT because they want to, 36 would be dead and 54 would be broke dependent on family, friends or the government to help them throughout their retirement years.

If you were one of those 100 people where would you want to be? If you look in your rear view mirror, if you look at all your past mistakes, your past experiences, your past growing challenges and what was in front of you, where would you be within that 100 people. OK, so quit looking in the rear view mirror! We all have our past we all have “that ghost in the closet” we all have have made mistakes. We have all had situations that we wish we had handled differently. So, starting today this minute, this second, start looking through your windshield. Start, making plans of where you want to be at retirement. If your retired are you happy? in your retirement, do you want more? Can you get more?

This blog is exploring life after 50 all that means is we have tons and tons of experiences. It also means we still have time. We’re exploring the next view, the next adventure, the next chapter of our lives. What are you gonna make of them? What are you gonna do, or what are you not gonna do? I challenge each and every one of you to come up with ideas of things that you can do in this next chapter. Things that you would like to do in ways that you can make that happen.

What if you did some research on how to publish your own book? what if you just started make a notes and writing things so it takes you a year, maybe to write down your experiences that you want to share that’s OK. You can then look into having somebody proof read it for you. Then look into how to self publish versus trying to get a publisher. They say that it’s cheaper to self publish, you make more money per book if you self publish. Many years ago it wasn’t so easy to find information. Nowadays it’s much easier. We can find information on our computers, at the library, buy books, if you want to you can listen to books, watch videos. You can do a multitude of things to learn what it is that you want to learn.

Keep looking forward and keep taking steps toward your goals. Get out there and be 1 of 4 of them who are secure with their retirement.