Have you lived in more than one location in your life? If you have, no doubt you have made great friends, who live in these areas. We have lived in Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. Last weekend we decided to take a road trip and visit some of those friends. We also went to see my husbands Dad to deliver his 80th birthday gift. We saw 9 great friends, 2 states, and 4 towns.
Our trip began with a five hour drive and meeting with Jo and Rog. What a great evening, eating dinner with two wonderful friends. We met at Blind Tiger in Topeka Kansas. We have such a great time, every time we get together with Jo and Rog. Dinner was delicious and the time flew. We got caught up on grand babies and travel plans. Hated to leave but they had to work the next morning. Next time, again, we will talk like there are no miles between us. We will continue to communicate via electronics, but nothing beats seeing them in person.
It was interesting driving through cities and towns we have lived or worked in. Amazed how the roads are still terrible. You would think the streets would be more of a priority. It brings to mind a statement I heard several years back that if the roads get bad enough the people will approve a tax hike to fix the roads. I didn’t think much of it at the time. But, here we are several years later and still terrible roads. You would think being the capitol city of the state that the roads would be a priority. And No, I am not talking about back roads, but some of the major roads. We pay taxes when we buy gas, click here to see more information. A portion of the gas tax is to help with fixing roads.
Traveling comes with potential issues. Luckily, we were traveling where we knew dealerships, when a warning light came on in our car. We knew where to go to get good service. Valor Motors took our car in and within an hour they diagnosed it and fixed our issue. Then off to our home away from home for a couple of days. Tips to finding quality car repair click here.
Tony and Tami are great friends and opened their home to us for a couple days. We are blessed to have so many great friends. They recently moved into their dream home in the country. It was quiet out there; you can see for miles. We went to dinner at a place called Mr. K’s farmhouse. This is the first place we went to eat together many years ago. We had a great time reminiscing about that first dinner.

Saturday Morning, we were off to see another great couple. Audie and Kasey. Wow, just like we had talked yesterday, other than their granddaughters have grown so much. We talked for hours and loved getting to see each other. Discussed future plans and their daughters upcoming wedding. We had pizza and wings, and watched a movie. It just like old times. It is times like these that make it seem there are no miles between us in friendship.
That evening we headed back to our home away from home for a cookout. Tony is such a great griller and smokes meat like no other. Our dinner was great, conversation even better, and off to bed.
Sunday we got up early to head toward our home towns (we grew up 10 miles away from each other). In the “fly over states” that is two different towns, not one city. Off to see more great family and friends.
We ate lunch in Winfield with my bestie from Preschool, Crystal. Just like all our stops this trip, we talked like we see each other all the time. Got to spend a couple hours with her. Hear about her kids, jobs, and talked about this blog. She is going to help with the proofing. That is taking her time to help me. True giving of her time. And, yes, I would do it for her also. Again, time flew! But we will be talking more with our new endeavor.
We headed to see David’s dad for his 80th birthday with us. Due to jobs and time we chose to celebrate a little early. We offered to take him out to dinner and he chose Wendy’s. When you live in a smaller town this is fine dining, hahaha. David worked many hours on his dad’s birthday present. His dad saw us bring in a white box and told his friend Libby “I think they brought in a cake”. When he opened the gift, he was not disappointed that it was not a cake. He loved his new artwork.

After dinner we were off to see more long-time great friends. Darrell and Sheri. Our friendship began when the guys worked together and before kids (30+Years ago). Our kids have kids and we still love to spend time with them. We were able to take some boy clothes to them for their grandson. I am not and never have been afraid to use good clean used clothing for kids. It is amazing how fast they out grow clothing and shoes.
The next morning we finished our trip enjoying breakfast with David’s dad and headed home. Our trip was blessed with great weather and no significant issues. We were able to see so many great friends. Most of all share a milestone birthday with David’s dad. We shared homes and hearts. We are now back home to continue our lives, get back to work, and live the best lives we can.
In life they say if you have one great friend you are lucky. We are very BLESSED to have so many. My challenge to you is to plan a trip, when you can to see those who are important to you. While you may not get to see everyone, see all that you can, make those memories.