What is Independence Day? “On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence, and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson.”(https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/july-4th). However did not become a federal holiday until 1941.

Celebrations are a hallmark of Independence day. Most every town has a parade. Campgrounds are booked full. Lakes are full with swimmers, floaters, boats, ski’s, tubers. Down every street you can smell the grilling happening. Families and friends all having a day to be together to celebrate our freedom.

This July 4th will be like no other. We will most like celebrate in small groups. We will either talk from 6ft apart or we will wear mask. When we go shopping for party supplies, we will be wearing mask. However, I feel the most important thing is to celebrate. We live in a great country! We are able to conform and have our free will. We can have small groups, we can still cook out, go to the lake, go to the park. Get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Many of us will have fireworks both during the day and at night. Our night will be bright with beautiful fireworks.

Don’t let having to use personal distance, wearing a mask, or having to be more cautious this year, damper your celebrations. Keep in mind all the precautions. These are not there to damper your fun, but to help you stay healthy and keep your loved ones healthy. So far, covid 19 has affected the elderly the most. However, with crazy beach parties we are finding it is spiking in the young adult population. Please take precautions while celebrating our great country.
Happy 4th of July!