How many times have you heard “that stupid person”? I can’t stand stupid people? Or How stupid is that? These are common statements that I hear. I hear this from people who are from all walks of life. I have to say it is one thing that really irritates me. Let’s look further into these statements.
Someone is driving in front of you on the road and they cut you off, do you yell that stupid person? Why are they stupid? Did they mean to cut you off? I would venture to say, most of the time they did not try to cut you off. But, your reaction will now stay with you for a few moments, minutes, hours, days or even, weeks. That person may not have realized that they cut you off. They did no know that you felt, they cut you off. They are going about their world unscafed. You however, have stewed over this situation. You have lost sleep. You have not ate well since. You have held that burden on you. This has added stress to your life, your family’s life and anyone you have told about the incident. Again, the person in the car that you felt was stupid, has not held onto it at all. They are going about life normally.

Have you been asked a question from someone, and then when they left, you said “they are stupid, I hate stupid people”? When this happens that person probably already feels bad about not knowing the answer. They may have felt scared to ask the question. But, how did you know that answer? You probably had asked the same question at some point in your life. You may just have been that ”stupid person”, at some point. As we grow and learn more in life, we can take for granted that everyone has had the same experiences. When someone asks a question and you feel it is a simple question that anyone should know, remember you had to learn that same thing at some point.

Have you been in a situation where you are watching how someone is preforming a task, and you thought or said “How stupid is that”? If you know better why don’t you stand up and show them a better way, or may sit back keep you comments to your self and watch. They just might surprise you and do it more efficient than you have. We all have things that we have done the same way for years. Learning a new way to do something may save time or money.

Next time you think or say STUPID, try to put yourself in that person’s place and see if you would still find it stupid. My guess is you will not. What are your thoughts about calling others stupid? How can you react differently and more positive? Let me know in the comments below.