Let’s talk about the “magic pill”. We all want that quick fix, pop a pill in my mouth, and all my troubles go away. You get the idea. In America we are very automatic. We want quick gratification. We don’t want to have to put forth the effort to get skinny, healthy, smart, or have the income that we want.

Let’s talk about BMI. No one really wants to talk about their weight, including me. There are all kinds of scales and charts that tell us if you are this tall, you should weigh this much. And while it’s true we should be a decent weight; we should also be fit. If you watch TV no doubt, you will see one diet plan, after another diet plan, after a diet pill. In between all of those commercials you will find the commercials for all the local restaurants.

Food is a huge part of our world. We have to start looking at food for what it is. Food is fuel for our bodies. I, like most, indulge probably more than I should. Actually, I know i indulge more than I should. We tend to eat when we’re at social events, because we’re bored, because we’re studying, because we see someone eating. That is a habit that is hard to break. Therefore, it may be easier just to make better choices.

Even though some commercials say they have that magic pill (there’s not one). As with anything in life, we have to want it badly enough that we change our habits to make it happen. If you want your BMI to be with in normal limits, you have to decide that is what you want, and then exercise and eat in moderation. There’s no quick easy way.
My challenge to you is to work hard on whatever your goal. To put in the work and make that goal yours. Your return will be a healthier you. Sometimes it is a matter of accountability. Please feel free to comment with what you have accomplished each week. Let others see your ideas and give you praise for your accomplishments.
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