Let’s talk about those people, who intentionally decide to scam folks. OK, they may not go out and think I am going to get you. However, in the end they do, mislead you to get your money. We will look at one case that I know of, and work through it.

Contractor offers to do a job. A contract is completed, a check for supplies is written. The following day the job has began. The contractor is on the job for a bit, then leaving to run to get more supplies. He leaves his crew at the site, to continue to work. Four people, to complete a two story deck. They work most of the day, get a good start. Day 2, only two show to work, on this two story deck. The contractor does not show up at all. Things are not being done correctly, phone call to contractor leads to contractor being busy and not coming to site. End result, contractor pulls his crew and says “we will be back”. That was the last time the contractor was seen.

Doing what was thought. to be a good bit of research prior to hiring the contractor, the home owner was very upset. What recourse does a homeowner have. Several options but, they led to nowhere for this home owner. Numerous phone calls, emails, reaching out on social media, lead to no response from contractor. The homeowner was contacted by 3 other individuals, that had the same experience.

Home owner decided to file a small claims case, more money spent and again no response. Homeowner sent information to local TV station that does investigations, no response. That could be that not enough folks had been scammed by this contractor. Attorney general, no response to them, from the contractor. BBB, no response from the contractor. So, While every step was taken that is available, the homeowner was left with an unfinished deck. They lost money and time. A lawyer was contacted, the amount in question was to small, so the lawyer would not take the case.

Here are some steps that you can take if this happens to you.
1)Call the place that the contractor uses to get their supplies. If they had supplies delivered to your site and did not pay for them. The company can place a lean on your property. These leans must be paid before a property can be sold.
2)If anything was stolen, make a police report. This is the one thing that does not cost money.
3)File a small claims suit if less than $5000. That is most you can get back. So, if your loss is higher, you may at least get back $5000. It will cost you court cost and fees, for serving the contractor. This will only move forward if they can find the contractor to serve them paper that they are being sued. So, could be wasted money, or could be a return of some of your hard earned money. Court cost are between $28-50 to file the case. Cost to serve the papers could be from $25-30 paid to the county. Most law firms will not take the case if not a large loss (to them) it has to be high enough to support the cost for taking to court.
4)Contact the BBB, they will try to contact the contractor. If the contractor does not respond there is nothing else. You are able to file the compliant online, so others may not be taken by this contractor.
5)Contact your states attorney general(look up the one for your state). If there are enough complaints they will investigate. They do try to contact the contractor also but unfortunately, if they do not get in contact the case is closed.
Before signing a contract, before writing a check for any amount research the company. When you think you have researched them, look further. Remember, to read their social media pages, look at BBB, call their references (ask if they are being paid to say good things.). Do not pay anything in advance.
These are hard lessons learned by many. Hours spent researching will save your money and possibly save from having a lean on your property. Do you have any hints or tricks that you have learned, please share your stories below.